NWC SAF 2007 Workshop on Physical Retrieval of Clear Air Parameters from SEVIRI
Author Organization Title  
Fernández, P. INM (spain)

NWC SAF Requirements

Hultberg, Tim EUMETSAT (Germany)

Physical Retrieval from IASI

König, Marianne EUMETSAT (Germany)

The MSG Global Instability Indices Product


Main preliminary outcomes of the VSA on Physical Retrieval for NWCSAF


Development of physical retrieval algorithm for clear sky atmospheric profiles from SEVIRI and GOES Sounder IR radiances

Preusker, Rene

Institut für Weltraumwissenschaften Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)

Overview about MERIS NRT WV product utilizing WV absorption in the 0.9µm band.

Schulz, Jörg

CM-SAF DWD (Germany)

Humidity Products with Climate Quality from Infrared Geostationary Imaging

Stengel, Martin

SMHI (Sweden)

Presentation of an optimal estimation based retrieval method adapted to SEVIRI infra-red measurements

Martínez, Miguel Angel NWC SAF INM (Spain)

Current status of the NWCSAF/MSG Clear Air Products

Cuevas, Gabriela NWC SAF INM (Spain)

Validation results of the NWCSAF/MSG Clear Air Products

Struzik, Piotr

Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Poland)

Experiences with use of EUMETSAT MPEF GII product for convection/storm nowcasting

Vazquez , Ramón INM (Spain)

MSG derived instability products for three severe weather events in Spain.